Tang Ying Mui ,Grace

I am very happy to join the Sham Shui Po small shops exhibition 2021 organized by Shamp Shui Po Artists Union. The exhibition will be shown in different small shops selected by the 6 artists. For my work it will be shown in Cafe Golden

深水?關愛社區小店藝術展 2021 --------展期:2021年11月6日至28日, 小店:琉金穗月 — 石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心1樓05室, 開放時間:1100 -1800

For more information, please refer to Facebook - 石硤尾藝術村聯會 skmartsunion.




有限空間,無限想象 — 深水?